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This is a hybrid class and Internet Access is required!

Psychology has traditionally focused on deficits and disability. More recent interest has focused on more positive aspects of life. This course will discuss recent psychological research on humor and how it functions in human societies. Students will be exposed to empirical research on these topics.

A hybrid class is one that mixes traditional classroom learning with individualized online learning. Behavior modification is perfect for a hybrid course 1) We wrote the textbook and have made it available online, 2) There is a growing amount of web content that extends well beyond what can be included in a textbook and in simple in class demonstrations, 3) There are many high quality videos online were we can explore a variety of behavior, and 4) Since the course deals with how we behave the real world, parts of the course are best experienced while in the real world.

Recent Entries

White House Correspondents Dinner
Is This Funny? Why or Why Not?
Today's  word is.................  Fluctuations   I will never hear or see this word again without thinking of  this joke. …
Snowing in Minnesota
I just got off the phone with friend in Minnesota.  He said that since early this morning the snow…